In the Autumn of 2020, Pokémon announced that they would be producing a series of special 25th Anniversary V Tins. Also known as V forces tins, they will be produced throughout 2021.
What are Spring V Tins?
The first of these, the Spring V tins, were released on 19th February 2021. There are three different designs Galarian Slowbro V, Lucario V and Mew V. Each tin is individually sealed.
A set of Summer V tins are scheduled for release later in the year.
What is inside each Tin?
First, the plastic shrink-wrap needs to be carefully removed to avoid scratching the artwork. Once it is done, the lid of the tin can be removed to reveal a cardboard inset with a honeycomb design.
Attached to the inset are two cards – a half-art card of the character depicted on the tin and underneath that an online code card for that character.
The Mew V card is from the Darkness Ablaze set and is numbered 069/189. Galarian Slowbro V is also from Darkness Ablaze and has the number 099/189, while Lucario V is from Champion’s Path and numbered 027/073. Of these Mew V is the most collectable and consequently selling for the highest price of around £5.75. Slowbro and Lucario are likely to fetch around £2.95.
The cardboard inset lifts out to reveal 4 sealed booster packs. The booster packs are the same in each tin – 1 x XY Breakpoint, 1 x Sword and Shield Base set and 2 x Vivid Voltage.