Triumphant Light Card List
Triumphant Light Set Info
Triumphant Light Card List Grouped by Rarity
Triumphant Light Card List in Numerical Order
See also: Triumphant Light Card Gallery
Triumphant Light is the fourth expansion set of the digital Pokémon Pocket game. It released on 28th February 2025
Triumphant Light contains 96 cards including:
1 crown card
1 triple star cards
13 double star cards
6 single star cards
Card numbers are not shown on the card but relate to the position in the dex.
Rarity symbols are shown on the cards.
Triumphant Light Card List by Rarity
Crown Cards
096/075 Arceus ex
Triple Star Cards
095/075 Arceus ex ★★★
Double Star Cards Cards
082/075 Leafeon ex ★★
083/075 Glaceon ex ★★
084/075 Garchomp ex ★★
085/075 Probopass ex ★★
086/075 Arceus ex ★★
087/075 Irida ★★
088/075 Celestic Town Elder ★★
089/075 Barry ★★
090/075 Adaman ★★
091/075 Leafeon ex ★★
092/075 Glaceon ex ★★
093/075 Garchomp ex ★★
094/075 Probopass ex ★★
Single Star Cards
076/075 Houndoom ★
077/075 Marill ★
078/075 Unown ★
079/075 Sudowoodo ★
080/075 Magnemite ★
081/075 Shaymin ★
Quadruple Diamond Cards
010/075 Leafeon ex ◆◆◆◆
022/075 Glaceon ex ◆◆◆◆
047/075 Garchomp ex ◆◆◆◆
057/075 Probopass ex ◆◆◆◆
067/155 Mismagius ex ◆◆◆◆
071/075 Arceus ex ◆◆◆◆
Triple Diamond Cards
009/075 Carnivine ◆◆◆
013/075 Heatran ◆◆◆
021/075 Abomasnow ◆◆◆
023/075 Origin Forme Palkia ◆◆◆
026/075 Raichu ◆◆◆
035/075 Rotom ◆◆◆
041/075 Tyranitar ◆◆◆
050/075 Crobat ◆◆◆
055/075 Magnezone ◆◆◆
060/075 Origin Forme Dialga ◆◆◆
061/075 Giratina ◆◆◆
069/075 Shaymin ◆◆◆
070/075 Arceus ◆◆◆
Double Diamond Cards
001/075 Heracross ◆◆
003/075 Mothim ◆◆
005/075 Vespiquen ◆◆
007/075 Cherrim ◆◆
008/075 Cherrim ◆◆
012/075 Houndoom ◆◆
017/075 Whiscash ◆◆
019/075 Froslass ◆◆
024/075 Phione ◆◆
028/075 Manectric ◆◆
030/075 Clefable ◆◆
033/075 Gengar ◆◆
034/075 Unown ◆◆
036/075 Sudowoodo ◆◆
038/075 Donphan ◆◆
040/075 Pupitar ◆◆
044/075 Medicham ◆◆
052/075 Toxicroak ◆◆
059/075 Bronzong ◆◆
063/075 Snorlax ◆◆
065/075 Noctowl ◆◆
068/075 Staraptor ◆◆
072/075 Irida ◆◆
073/075 Celestic Town Elder ◆◆
074/075 Barry ◆◆
075/075 Adaman ◆◆
Single Diamond Cards
002/075 Burmy ◆
004/075 Combee ◆
006/075 Cherubi ◆
011/075 Houndour ◆
014/075 Marill ◆
015/075 Azumarill ◆
016/075 Barboach ◆
018/075 Snorunt ◆
020/075 Snover ◆
025/075 Pikachu ◆
027/075 Electrike ◆
029/075 Clefairy ◆
031/075 Gastly ◆
032/075 Haunter ◆
037/075 Phanpy ◆
039/075 Larvitar ◆
042/075 Nosepass ◆
043/075 Meditite ◆
045/075 Gible ◆
046/075 Gabite ◆
048/075 Zubat◆
049/075 Golbat◆
051/075 Croagunk ◆
053/075 Magnemite ◆
054/075 Magneton ◆
056/075 Mawile ◆
058/075 Bronzor ◆
062/075 Eevee ◆
064/075 Hoothoot ◆
066/075 Starly ◆
067/075 Staravia ◆
Triumphant Light Card List Numerical
001/075 Heracross ◆◆
002/075 Burmy ◆
003/075 Mothim ◆◆
004/075 Combee ◆
005/075 Vespiquen ◆◆
006/075 Cherubi ◆
007/075 Cherrim ◆◆
008/075 Cherrim ◆◆
009/075 Carnivine ◆◆◆
010/075 Leafeon ex ◆◆◆◆
011/075 Houndour ◆
012/075 Houndoom ◆◆
013/075 Heatran ◆◆◆
014/075 Marill ◆
015/075 Azumarill ◆
016/075 Barboach ◆
017/075 Whiscash ◆◆
018/075 Snorunt ◆
019/075 Froslass ◆◆
020/075 Snover ◆
021/075 Abomasnow ◆◆◆
022/075 Glaceon ex ◆◆◆◆
023/075 Origin Forme Palkia ◆◆◆
024/075 Phione ◆◆
025/075 Pikachu ◆
026/075 Raichu ◆◆◆
027/075 Electrike ◆
028/075 Manectric ◆◆
029/075 Clefairy ◆
030/075 Clefable◆◆
031/075 Gastly ◆
032/075 Haunter ◆
033/075 Gengar ◆◆
034/075 Unown ◆◆
035/075 Rotom ◆◆◆
036/075 Sudowoodo ◆◆
037/075 Phanpy ◆
038/075 Donphan ◆◆
039/075 Larvitar ◆
040/075 Pupitar ◆◆
041/075 Tyranitar ◆◆◆
042/075 Nosepass ◆
043/075 Meditite ◆
044/075 Medicham ◆◆
045/075 Gible ◆
046/075 Gabite ◆
047/075 Garchomp ex ◆◆◆◆
048/075 Zubat ◆
049/075 Golbat◆
050/075 Crobat ◆◆◆
051/075 Croagunk ◆
052/075 Toxicroak ◆◆
053/075 Magnemite ◆
054/075 Magneton ◆
055/075 Magnezone ◆◆◆
056/075 Mawile ◆
057/075 Probopass ex ◆◆◆◆
058/075 Bronzor ◆
059/075 Bronzong ◆◆
060/075 Origin Forme Dialga ◆◆◆
061/075 Giratina ◆◆◆
062/075 Eevee ◆
063/075 Snorlax ◆◆
064/075 Hoothoot ◆
065/075 Noctowl ◆◆
066/075 Starly ◆◆
067/075 Staravia ◆
068/075 Staraptor ◆◆
069/075 Shaymin ◆◆◆
070/075 Arceus ◆◆◆
071/075 Arceus ex ◆◆◆◆
072/075 Irida ◆◆
073/075 Celestic Town Elder ◆◆
074/075 Barry ◆◆
075/075 Adaman ◆◆
076/075 Houndoom ★
077/075 Marill ★
078/075 Unown ★
079/075 Sudowoodo ★
080/075 Magnemite ★
081/075 Shaymin ★
082/075 Leafeon ex ★★
083/075 Glaceon ex ★★
084/075 Garchomp ex ★★
085/075 Probopass ex ★★
086/075 Arceus ex ★★
087/075 Irida ★★
088/075 Celestic Town Elder ★★
089/075 Barry ★★
090/075 Adaman ★★
091/075 Leafeon ex ★★
092/075 Glaceon ex ★★
093/075 Garchomp ex ★★
094/075 Probopass ex ★★
095/075 Arceus ex ★★★
096/075 Arceus ex