What is the Flareon VMAX Premium Collection Box?
The Flareon VMAX Premium Collection Box is one of three special collection boxes scheduled for release on 3rd December 2021 but subsequently delayed to 2022.
The three boxes feature three Eeveelutions – Flareon, Jolteon and Vaporeon. These characters were the three Eeveelutions that did not have a VMAX card in the recent Evolving Skies expansion set.
The Flareon box features light and dark red artwork echoing the fact that Flareon is a Fire Pokémon.
The box dimensions have not yet been released but will probably be similar to other VMAX collection boxes around 30 cm x 20 cm x 3 cm (12″ x 8″ x 1″)
The image above shows the box design for the US release. The UK box is shown below. The recommended retail price for the boxes is £37.99 in the UK and $39.99 in the US.
What is in the Flareon VMAX Premium Collection Box?
The contents of the box have been released.
Inside the UK box there is:
A jumbo-sized Flareon VMAX SWSH180
a regular-sized Flareon VMAX SWSH180
a Flareon V SWSH179
a Flareon pin badge
5 Booster Packs
The US Box has an extra booster pack and a metallic coin
The Booster packs in the US box are:
2 x Fusion Strike
1 x Evolving Skies
1 x Chilling Reign
1 x Vivid Voltage
1 x Rebel Clash